Immigration Lawyers in Chennai

The process of changing their citizenship or permanent residence from their native country to another country is known as immigration. The person who immigrates is called an Immigrants.

Immigration Lawyers in Chennai

The social problem faced by immigrants include
Social functionality
Language barriers
Prejudice etc.

Acts under Immigration

Some acts have been passed to govern the process of availing citizenship. They are
The Registration of foreigners Act,1939
The passport (Entry in India) Act, 1920
The foreigners Act,1946

The Registration of foreigners Act,1939

The foreigners who stay after the specified visa period must register with the registration officer.

The passport (Entry in India) Act, 1920

Under the passport act, 1920, foreigners must get a visa from India while entering India. This act also instructs that they should submit specific documents during their valid travel to allow into the country.

The foreigners Act, 1946

The foreigners are a person who is not a citizen of India. Any person who believes that the foreigner is living or staying in India beyond the authorized period of stay shall be the person's duty to inform the presence of such foreigner to the nearest police station within 24 hours of the presence of such foreigner.

Why Visit Lawyers ranks as the best for legal help?

If you have any issues with immigration, then we Visit Lawyers helps you solve the problems. Our lawyers attend many cases, and they are highly experienced, diligent lawyers. Whatever the problem is, we will solve the issues legally.

With our articles and information under the immigration law segment, we regret to inform you that our lawyers are up-to-date with the latest law and amendments under any act.


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